Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Random: I don't deal with white people

A classic event that I can't allow myself to forget:

2nd week of school...
Upper grades playground...

I see a 6th grade student wearing a huge lip ring and ask her to take it out and put it somewhere safe. She says to me, "don't talk to me." I tell her that I am just trying to keep her from getting a referral and that I am a teacher and she needs to show some respect. This is where the kicker came..."Psh, I don't deal with white people."

We had a lovely walk together straight to the office and I had one serious story to add to my book as a new teacher.

Teach For America has a few sessions during our summer training that discusses issues and situations similar to the one above. My instructor said to us a few times, "you'll just never know how you're going to react or how something like that might make you feel until it happens." She was definitely right. I wasn't really upset or anything, but it definitely left me a bit shocked and perplexed.

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